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deanskraken: Dean you alright back there buddy
deanwinchesterinmybed asked: 2011-06-10 23:44 can i haz Castiel spanking Dean? :O or like Castiel with pie on him and Dean eating it off - i don’t even know..haha
gunhand asked you: 2011-06-10 23:51dean/cas uhhhhhhh you should draw anything to be honest but hugest turn on ever for me is rutting and you should draw something like that up against a wall or on a bed or idk justdo anythingi will be refreshing your
likhoradka: naranita asked you: I like your works so much, it always makes me happy when I find you update new stuff!<3And here is a request!2014!Cas with Dean (either 2009! or 2014! or both, you can draw whom you like) plsThank you and love!
It always starts with a punch, a kick from Dean or Cas, depending on whose wound tightest in the rubble of their former lives. No matter how hard they fought, how hard they bit, scratched and punched, it always ended like this, Castiel slowly fucking
Delayed flight = lots of time to practice some basics
had-just-ten-hours-training: sendermage: pastrymisha: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again never trust a cas hater #or a sam hater #or a dean hater #really #don’t trust haters #unless they hate umbridge #trust that one for life [via
caswouldratherbehere: notevenworried: flaweduniverse: This is Cas standing next to Sam. This is Cas standing next to Bobby. This is Cas standing sitting squatting or whatever next to Crowley. And THIS… Cas standing next to Dean. Need I say
assbutt-in-the-garrison: winchesterwarriors: does that include sexuality or I’m just trying to deal with the fact that this implies that Dean and Cas have gotten into arguments over Dean trying to label him…
monsterproblem: For crumbled-paper-hearts who asked for “Fem!Dean running into Cas and cas being surprised and flustered” or wherein Cas is speechless and Dean just babbles
diminuel: “I’m over 300 meter tall and I managed to squeeze into this human shell. So don’t tell me I don’t fit into boxes, Dean!” — carrionofmywaywardson said: catboy!cas enjoying his glass of warm milk :3 or tea. or trying to sleep
l-o-k-i-hiddleston: What’s more heartbreaking… Sam watching his older brother become the monster he has been killing all his life….and having to sit in his brother’s seat in the Impala or Cas finding out, Dean…the man for whom he gave up
to-b-or-not-221b: cas-is-an-angel-you-assbutt: americanhate: thejsimmons: found-liquorstore-and-drank-itt: elviragain: Transformation time wow. mother of you can see the anger grow in dean And you can see Sammy getting sadder, it’s like his
whatarethis-life: Imagine Dean and Sam just in the bunker or something, Dean with a beer and Sam on his computerWhen Cas just kinda pops in, and hes holding a pizza, and hes like “hello. I brought you something”And Deans all like “yeah free pizza
diminuel: Angel!Dean building a nest for Cas, based on Bella’s post (♥) I love Angel!Dean and his attempts to woo Cas (angel or not).
So who else is more excited that next week is a new monster episode than Dean and Cas being okay. Or am I the only one that is bored with the angel demon plots.
thimblings: Dean isn’t sure if the reason Cas comes up behind him like this, in the middle of the night, is because he’s hopped up on drugs and mistaking him for his Dean - or if it’s because he isn’t that Dean. Whatever the reason, Dean allows
buttinspectorkirby: danglingthpider: tricktreatcas: dean kissing cas between his shoulder blades (◞ิ ౪◟ิ‵) these shoulder blades looks like and outline of butterfly wings or angel wings hAHAHA whoops not anymore did you just
cumber-bitches: asdfghjkl-i-cant: so i was thinking ‘i wonder if there is a fic where cas is missing and dean misses him so much he starts hallucinating or thinking he sees him that would be really cute- OH WAIT
paytonmarissa: You can NOT sit there and tell me this is not love. Cas loves Dean, whether it’s platonic or romantic, there is love shared between them. Cas knows Dean screwed up in a huge way. He knows that Dean’s choices bore consequences that
bakasara: I think my favourite is the third. I like the way Cas opens his hand and backs away, it really feels like ‘I won’t touch you if you don’t want’. Or possibly the first, because or the way Cas looks at Dean. It doean’s matter what happens
wayward-sons-and-fallen-angels: Why aren’t we talking about Sam right now He thinks Dean’s dead He probably thinks Cas is either dead or locked up in heaven or something He thinks Metatron got away HE THINKS HE LOST THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE HE HAS LEFT
helovessowholly: I love fics where Dean and Cas (or have to) share a bed and it turns sappy and cuddly don’t get me wrong But please consider “Stop elbowing me in the freaking ribs, Cas” Dean complains that Cas has stolen all the blankets
caswitch: hey spn hey guess what dean is bisexual benny is bisexual cas is demisexual panromantic sam probably experimented with guys at stanford and still thinks of himself as questioning or undefined all demons are pansexual all angels are pansexual,
jensenacklesmishacollins: Imagine Dean and Cas waking up as females, what would be their reactions? Jensens face is my favorite thing ever, because I can’t tell if that’s what he thinks his reaction is or if he’s just waiting for
inkblackwings:Dean tries to be so quiet in bed. He bites his tongue or his lips or the pillow to keep his moans to a “reasonable” level, keep his dignity intact. But then sometimes first thing in the morning when he’s still sleepysoftwarm and Cas
my-wayward-son-carry-on: i was trying to go for blind!dean’s point of view here…and while ago i answered an ask saying if dean gets overwhelmed or insecure, sometimes cas’ very presence or touch can ground dean when everything feels like static
cavycas: i just imagine bottom!dean being like so shameless when it comes to his and cas’ relationship. like someone tries to insult him or embarrass him when they notice dean walking funny. like, “rough night, winchester?” and dean just turns
destieldrabblesdaily: destieldrabblesdaily: Anonymous asked: Prompt idea inspired on the online relationship request: what if Dean and Cas were already dating for a couple of months and Cas lived in England or something but they really love each other
perlukafari: Once they got together, Cas would always be telling Dean he loves him, for literally the smallest thing like getting him a cup of coffee or handing him the remote. And Dean would blush and get all flustered every time, but he’d also be
grandpadean: all right all right BUT. what about the first time dean and cas get in some domestic argument after they’ve moved in together. something totally mundane; whose turn it is to take the trash out, or whether they need a fresh pack of sponges,
casbadass: (Part One) (Part Two) Part Three: After Cas finds a camcorder, he and Dean take turns recording each other, whether its Cas catching Dean dancing or them quoting Parks and Rec to each other.
destieldrabblesdaily: destieldrabblesdaily: carryonwaywardangel asked: Hey! There’s a thunderstorm going on where I am and I had a thought for a prompt :) College!AU: Dean and Cas are roommates and one (or both) of them is afraid of thunder so naturally
perlukafari: How about instead of Dean and Cas being straight up in love (as much as I live for that)Dean and Cas being best buds who occasionally make out Dean and Cas being roommates who walk around near-naked (or fully naked) way more often than
jinxedambitions: Dean loves Cas’ thighs. They’re one of his favorite parts of him. Dean loves them wrapped around his waist while he thrusts into Cas or wrapped around his head while he wakes him up with a blowjob. They are powerful and supple
spnficlets: Dean and Cas hunting in the summer: Dean’s main mission in life being finding motels that have a pool, no matter how small or uninviting that pool might be Cas complaining about how ill-equipped human bodies are for the heat Dean pointing
castielnovak: Teenagers Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak being so completely in love with each other. And walking down the hall holding hands, or even just linking pinkies. Cas always wearing Dean’s over sized letter man jacket, and kissing him
deancasheadcanons: don’t get me wrong, i’m all for fics where either cas or dean is grumpy and the other cheers them up but like……..canonically speaking, it would be much more likely for both of them to be giant rainclouds together. like, cas
destieloptimist: Friendly reminder that Cas: • is at the very least as tan as Dean, if not more so • has an athletic vessel and is not in any way slim or skinny • has a sense of humor, if a slightly strange and understated one • is not completely
destiel-is-cockles-fault: Remember last season when Dean blatantly refused to fight Lucifer when he was possessing Cas because he couldn’t bear to hurt him or destroy his vessel? Now fast forward to Vince Vincente and how Dean told Sam ‘You didn’t
inacatastrophicmind: Dean checking Cas out and/or looking at Cas’ lips.
dean-bangs-cas-in-the-impala: suicidal-kittens: casismypie: jaegeristic: imapeacefangirl: casismypie: I dont know when or where this happened(i took a screen shot of a screenshot), but I saw this on facebook and I need help here. This person needs
twinkletwinklelittletardis: bloody-men-with-blue-eyes: gracelesscas: what if the finale isnt crowley or abaddon winning the throne what if its dean Dean would rule hell. Cas would rule heaven. And because of the love for each other everything
cas-wants-the-dean: xwatchmerise: merosse: If u see a guy with long hair he’s either gorgeous or fucking weird and the answer lays in what type of shoe he’s wearing This is the best post I’ve ever read the accuracy though someone help me.
flaweduniverse: This is Cas standing next to Sam. This is Cas standing next to Bobby. This is Cas standing sitting squatting or whatever next to Crowley. And THIS… Cas standing next to Dean. Need I say more.
coffeeandcheesecake: #god dean is so HURT by that #because no matter how bad it got between he and cas #no matter how much they were fighting or how bad their terms were #he’s never felt so unimportant #hell his problem normally is feeling too
ithinkthatyouarewonderful: superdivergenthogwartstribute:when-the-ships-come-sailing-in:beenwinchestered:Hey remember the time Dean told Cas to blow him? And Cas just looked at Dean like “Does he want me to or…?”I just want one day all these seasons
castiel-left-his-mark-on-me:I love how Cas can just unload on Dean like this. Hell, I loved that he thought to call Dean first. Because Dean is his first friend, and his best friend. You know if he had called Bobby or Sam, he’d get to the point that
bookkbaby: can we just talk about good things for a while? like how much Dean and Cas would cuddle when they got together. (hint: it’s a lot) or their reactions the first time they kissed (lots of disbelief on both sides, no matter who initiated it)
thecapn: #I want sam and dean to do that thing where they pull up at a curb or whatever to let cas get into the impala #and as soon as cas gets his hand on the door handle they start pulling away #and then they stop the car and dean’s like SORRY
demolitionfrerardist: what if supernatural ends with dean and cas being happy together in heaven or just like at peace and then it fades out to sam coming home to amelia and they have a kid and amelia is doing the laundry and sam just lies down on his
dean-bangs-cas-in-the-impala: larabarakara: I was studying in my room, turned around to grab something and saw this. So, basically, this is not my cat. But she’s all like chillin’ in my bed like she pays rent or smth. How the fuck did she
deanshero: Cas didn’t have to touch Deans cheek, he could’ve have touched his shoulder or forehead as usual. It can almost be considered a caress, notice the way his thumb moves down, he is comforting and healing not only Dean but himself too.
floralstiel: “get ur own pls” tiny finkin!cas for jen! he likes to eat from top to bottom, like a buffet. and dont try to trick him into eating a veggie burger or a turkey burger, dean tried once and he smelled the difference and gnawed